eGo Passthrough Battery contains a variable voltage mode

eGo Passthrough Battery contains a variable voltage mode

EGo Passthrough Battery

  • VV Mode

Switch your voltage from 3V up to 6V in 0.1 V increases by pressing the “+” and “-” buttons on your EGo Passthrough Battery.  Once you get to the higher or even lower ends of the voltage, it just cycles around either way.

  • VW Mode

Change your Wattage from 3W up to 15W in 0.5 W increase by pressing “+” and “-” buttons on your Ego Passthrough Battery. Once you reach the wattage range of its higher and a lower end, it cycles around either way.

  • Switch the Mode

Holding the “+” button at the same time for 5 seconds , the EGO-VV3 will at once switch VV to VW or even VW to VV.  The eGo passthrough battery has both “V” or “W” symbols usually on the right side of the display when you press the switch .

Lock the chosen Voltage or Wattage

You can lock the setting on the eGo passthrough by holding the “+” and “-” buttons at the same time for 3 seconds to set the voltage or wattage.  No changes are ever being made when your battery is locked. Repeat the process to set in motion the button symbol.   locking shows on the display and fades when unlocked.

  • 14 second safety cutoff

lf the button is being held down for 14 seconds or even longer, the Ego-VV3 will shut down and become locked.  It will stay that way until the button itself is released and unlocked by 5 clicks of its button. This will protect you and your device from times where it is in your purse or perhaps a pocket and something by chance happens to turn it on. However, the eGo passthrough battery will protect you and prevent the Ego-VV3 parts from being overloaded.  A key safety feature for sure!

  • USB Passthrough

The USB passthrough battery allows you to use the battery and vape even if it is charging.

How to charge

The Ego-VV3 eGo passthrough battery needs to be recharged when the display flashes quickly which will cause the e-cig to not produce vapor.  The passthrough comes with a charging cable, you should only use this cable.  Connect it with the battery and the power USB port on your computer, USB home charger, or USB car charger. The battery has a special display that will cycle every time while charging. When its display stops moving and stays at full, the charging is complete.

Normal charging time should be around 2.5 to 3 hours for Ego-VV3 regular, and 3 to 4 hours for Ego-VV3 Mega.

Technical specs:

Regular Battery

Material: Stainless steel & copper

Size: L114 D14 mm Battery

Power: 650 mAh

Voltage: 3-6 V

Wattage: 3-15 W Max

Current Output: 2, 5 Amps

Input: DC 5V 500mA

Mega Battery

Material: Stainless steel & copper

Size: L1129 D17 mm Battery

Power: 1300 mAh

Voltage: 3-6 V

Wattage: 3-15 W Max

Current Output: 2, 5 Amps

Input: DC 5V 500mA

OHM Meter

The digit screen will always load OHM for 2 seconds if there is any connection load in the battery.  When the passthrough detects a short-circuit (or its resistance is less than 1.20), it will usually show “LOR” and the battery will not work even if you decide to press the power button. You will also have an option to hold the button at the same time for 5 seconds in order to show the load OHM.